Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Valentines Jewelry for my Diabetes Girls

You can take the road most traveled this Valentine's Day and simply get your sweetheart chocolate or flowers. Flowers trump chocolate as a gift for people with diabetes. After all, who wants to wait until a low blood sugar to have a truffle? But what trumps them both is sparkly, sparkly jewelry.

As a Daddybetes daddy, I love to spoil my girls. This year I offered Marinda and Cassie their choice of any of the chic bracelets at Lauren's Hope for Valentine's. The catch? Lauren makes medical ID bracelets.

Both my wife and daughter stubbornly (foolishly?) refuse to wear a diabetes identifier. This makes it pretty problematic since they are both currently on a shot/syringe regimen rather than a pump. It's hard to tell that you have diabetes just by looking at you. So I'm hoping they pick out something nice from Lauren's jewelry line. This jewelry could help save their lives. I can't think of a better way to let them know how much I love them.

Disclosure: I'm not paid to write about any of the things I've endorsed on this blog. Also, you may want to know that Lauren's Hope donates a portion of their profits to JDRF (where I serve as a Board member- though I don't get paid for that either).


Sara said...

Lauren's Hope bracelets are very cute. Hopefully your girls will pick something that they will be inspired to wear.

I have a couple of different styles from Lauren's Hope so I can match my outfits ;)

Kerri. said...

Perfect gift, IMO. :)

Mary kolk said...

Importance of wearing something that identifies you as a diabetic can not be overstated. My father-in- law was rushed to the hospital after a horrific industrial accident. He lost an arm, broke his back and his other arm after being thrown into a dirty pit. A winch pulling freight cars into his warehouse snapped around his arm causing this accident. He was in critical condition. When he arrived at the ER, the doctors filled him with penicillin. He blew up like a balloon and his skin looked like someone scaled him. He was allergic to penicillin. When he was able to talk, he scolded the doctors for not looking into his wallet where he had his information about his allergy. The physician looked at him and said, "Mr K, the way you were brought in here there was no time to look in your wallet! You should be wearing a chain or bracelet that lets us know immediately about your allergies.".
Diabetics who do not wear a chain or bracelet identifying themselves as diabetic are playing a dangerous gamble. You need to give a paramedic the information they need immediately to save your life. If you go into a hypoglycemic coma and you do not have any way for a paramedic to know immediately that you are a diabetic you could die before they are able to ascertain that information.
You would not ever think to cross the street in oncoming traffic -- it could kill you. Not wearing proper diabetes identifying bracelet or neck chain could also kill you.